October Sucks

It has been the GLOOMIEST month.

Most days looked like this:

An ominous cloud hangs over the dog park...

An ominous cloud hangs over the dog park…

It’s rained. My lord, has it rained.

Our Best Friend is stinky and needs a bath. I booked the bathing room at the local pet store (they have a free, bring-your-own-stuff grooming room), but had to cancel because I was sick. So he’s still stinky.

Every time I went to the park, there was no one there I knew. Last time there was NO ONE THERE AT ALL.

Where IS everyone???

Where IS everyone???

The Kansas City Royals even lost the World Series.  I am bummed out about that.

I’m declaring a stop to all this nonsense. Things have to get better in November. I can’t stop it from getting colder, but it’s going to get better.

I need to clean the house, top to bottom. Then it will be less gloomy INSIDE.

So far I have one walking buddy who spends an hour with me and Our Best Friend every Monday. I need a few more of those. Any volunteers?



And the damn dog is getting a bath.

Yes, everything will be better in November. After my gum surgery on Wednesday.

For those of you celebrating, have a fun, safe Halloween!


About one person's view

I'm the mother of three girls, three cats, and a dog. All need constant attention, but only the dog likes to go for long walks!
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6 Responses to October Sucks

  1. http://thepoodleanddogblog.typepad.com/ says:

    Sorry that you have had so much rain. We have had endless days of sunshine. On the down side, we have a years long drought and would trade our sunshine for some of your rain. On the up side, we did win the World Series..

  2. Well, I can’t get to excited about the Royals losing after they wiped the floor with the Orioles. But yeah, October was sh*t. Is it actually optimistic and hopeful to say at least November couldn’t be worse?

  3. Jodi says:

    Has it been better? I’ll tell you the truth, I’d love to take my dogs to a big, empty dog park. Delilah needs to run some of her craziness off.

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